My K-9 Partner, My Best Friend.

In the 1980s, after much research, a paper sent up the administrative line, and a year of nagging, I convinced my department to create a canine division.  Much to my surprise, I was chosen to lead it. And so began my experience with canine police partners. Police dogs contribute much more than most people know. […]

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As a high-school dropout divorced young mother, I could never have pictured the life I eventually had – the fulfillment of being in law enforcement, much less becoming a writer. But here I am, happily married and living in one of the most beautiful areas of the world, retired from police work and now fulfilling […]

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Thought I might share this poem by Officer Brandon Moore. I remember when I was younger about 8 years old or so, I would hear the police sirens roar and off to the window I would go. I wanted to see who they were saving or having to arrest, I knew no matter what they […]

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Fun Fitness

If you are like me, you like food. Eating is not just for sustenance, it is also a pleasure. And if you are like me, you find that the older you get, the easier it is to gain weight, making you wonder whether all the talk about people having difficulty losing weight after 40 is […]

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Reality Check

I loved being in law enforcement. As do most cops. Why? Because we wake up every day with purpose – to protect and serve – a purpose most of us take very seriously. To be a cop means acknowledging that you are part of something bigger than yourself. That you hold yourself to a high […]

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