
As a high-school dropout divorced young mother, I could never have pictured the life I eventually had – the fulfillment of being in law enforcement, much less becoming a writer. But here I am, happily married and living in one of the most beautiful areas of the world, retired from police work and now fulfilling my next dream as a writer.

So, what got me from there to here? I’d like to take credit by saying a healthy dose of persistence and determination; yes, I had both. But it was more than that.

I did not come from wealth. I didn’t even come from comfort. But that does not define who you are. Every day is a gift. Find the hidden opportunities available and don’t be afraid to fail. Failure is learning and a part of life.

So, even though I had to quit school early, I received an invaluable education in dealing with the tough decisions in life. Raising two children alone was not easy. But a hidden opportunity came my way in the form of Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, a program designed to provide single parents with limited education or no employment skills the chance for a sustainable career.

Stepping into the job afforded change in my life, setting me on the road to my GED and then a career in law enforcement.

The point of all of this?  Life is ever-evolving. It is a series of opportunities. We must be prepared to make the most of them. Sometimes that takes courage. Sometimes it means extra hard work. And sometimes it means calling up all our self-confidence and faking the rest. Whatever it means, to do any less is to curtail our participation in the adventure that is our lives.

As I sit here writing and reminiscing and I see how all the pieces fit together, I realize that it wasn’t easy – but that every bit of effort was worth the results.